Cave hyena animatronic model, the most real crocuta spelaeas!
What does Blue Lizard do?
Knowledge About this product:
Can models be custom made for museum exhibition or theme park? How long it takes?

What Does Blue Lizard Do?
Blue Lizard is an art artificial creatures manufacturer aimed at taking your themed animatronic attractions from conception to completion.
We help you build immersive and interactive animatronic attractions:the Jurassic theme animatronic dinosaurs, realistic walking dinosaur costume, animatronic dragon robot, artificially magic robotic animals and related amusement rides, and various kinds of enchanted and dreamy monster creatures are created to interact with audiences.
To help keeping animals from disapprearing, More Animals & Plants simulation models need to be made for exhibitions,museums and zoos, Zigong Blue Lizard company has made many animatronic simulated animal modes for customers all over the world. With much experience to make the wild lifes alive!
Knowledge about this product

Knowledge about this product
Blue Lizard is an art artificial creatures manufacturer aimed at taking your themed animatronic attractions from conception to completion.
Custom Ancient animal models, Custom animatronic models, making immersive and interactive animatronic attractions:the Jurassic theme animatronic dinosaurs, realistic walking dinosaur costume, animatronic dragon robot, artificially magic robotic animals and related amusement rides.
The cave hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea), also known as the Ice Age spotted hyena, was a paleosubspecies of spotted hyena in Eurasia, which ranged from the Iberian Peninsula to eastern Siberia. It is one of the best known mammals of the Ice Age and is well represented in many European bone caves. The cave hyena was a highly specialised animal, with its progressive and regressive features being more developed than in its modern African relative. It preyed on large mammals (primarily wild horses, steppe bison and woolly rhinoceros), and was responsible for the accumulation of hundreds of large Pleistocene mammal bones in areas including horizontal caves, sinkholes, mud pits and muddy areas along rivers. Genetic evidence from the nuclear genome suggests that Eurasian Crocuta populations (including the Asian Crocuta crocuta ultima) were highly genetically divergent from African populations, though the lack of clear separation between mitochondrial genome lineages suggests that the two populations interbred for some time after the initial split. The cause of the cave hyena's extinction is not fully understood, though it could have been due to a combination of factors, including climate change and competition with other predators.
Animatronic models are made of High quality steel, High density sponge, Silicone rubber, Motor, etc.
Come with Movements:
With custom movements or Static
More custom service are provided,pls contact for details.
Control box,
Infrared sensor,
maintenance material.
Custom Animatronics Service:
Custom festival exhibition models, such asmodels for Museums, Science museums,Amusement parks, Theme parks and Shopping malls...
China Blue Lizard Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd, a professional manufacturer of simulated animals and human models.