What Does Blue Lizard Do?
Blue Lizard is an art artificial creatures manufacturer aimed at taking your themed animatronic attractions from conception to completion.
We help you build immersive and interactive animatronic attractions:the Jurassic theme animatronic dinosaurs, realistic walking dinosaur costume, animatronic dragon robot, artificially magic robotic animals and related amusement rides, and various kinds of enchanted and dreamy monster creatures are created to interact with audiences.
To help keeping animals from disapprearing, More Animals & Plants simulation models need to be made for exhibitions,museums and zoos, Zigong Blue Lizard company has made many animatronic simulated animal modes for customers all over the world. With much experience to make the wild lifes alive!

Life-sized animated dinosaurs were brought to dino fans by Blue Lizard
Zigong Blue Lizard, a Simulated dinosaurs and simulated animals Supplier, we provide animal exhibition models for zoo and museum,and make wild life models and Educational Animal Figures, amusement park models
Dinosaur fans get ready! Now is your chance to stand next to the largest creatures that have ever walked the earth!
The immersive experience will let visitors explore a park full of realistic dinos and learn all about the different periods during which they lived.
From the T-rex to the Stegosaurus – dinosaur fans will come face-to-face with the massive creatures that roamed the world millions of years ago!
Dino fans of all ages will be able to see favourites such as the Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Velociraptor, and the lesser-known Dilophosaurus, Kentrosaurus and Hypacrosaurus.
Animatronic Zoo Animal Model, Find Details and Price about Zoo Animal Model from Zigong Blue Lizard Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd., a professional manufacturer of simulated dinosaurs and simulated animals.
Find more information online.
Models can be custom made for museum exhibition or theme park and it takes 10-30days

Post time: Dec-15-2023